It's about Staying Married
After school what next? A job, a stable career, I mean, life of purpose and stability but no, in this part of the world all they see is husband. They want you to get married. After college, they want to see The man. I keep wondering when we will get off that ladder? Let me be a woman and let me do my thing, stop ringing marriage into my ears like that's the best I can do for me.
If I want to get married, I will, don't pressurise me to doing that. Don't make me less of me because of a man. I hate it when cousins come home and start looking at everyman beside me suspiciously. In fact., I don't want to take male friends home anymore. Those old women will keep asking you the same questions annoying, Hello! I am not married for now, Shush please!
Let me pursue something and I can do more than pursing a man.
I can have a good career and live for me
I change this world without breeding kids
And when I want to get married, I will marry...
I will know the right time to do that...
I will know that I am getting married for me not for the family.
It's more than getting married it's about staying joyful married.
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